in Vocabulary challenge, October 2020

75 minutes

Three pomodoro sessions this morning to ensure I spent ample time focused on vocabulary. Cleared queue. Studied some new characters from 台灣通用字彙 (第五級)and did a testing activity on all the new vocabulary I learned this month from my Assorted Collection and 2020中文課 decks. Basically, one big review day of many of the things I’ve been learning over the month. Later today I’ll put a bow on this challenge and clear the new cards I learned in the morning.

^1 for pomodoro

Way to go, good final stretch boost!

15 minutes

14 new words learned in Skritter and all additional due cards studied for the day.

60 minutes

time-boxed an hour of studying today. Created a new deck section for last week’s Chinese class vocabulary, wrote example sentences, did some deep digging into usage of some interesting words and phrases, and then added them to my 2020中文課 Skritter deck. Next up, clearing the queue for the day and then learning these new items in Skritter.

9 minutes

Cleared due cards for the day in the evening for the first time since this challenge started. It felt a bit strange to break the routine, but I still had a solid retention rate. Still need to learn some new words this evening before calling it a night to set myself up for a strong finish tomorrow, and hopefully the completion of my target goal of 15h.

(note: it is still Fri. Oct. 30th here as I write this) Pretty sure the Vocabulary Challenge is on Swedish time or something, but I'm planning on reporting my progress until the end of my day tomorrow and editing the submission date if necessary).

@ SkritterJake, how does the Skritter SRS algorithm works? I complete HSK-3 full set of 300 words, will the SRS space out Section by Section to review? Or the full 300 words randomly. Or is it better to do up say, HSK-4 section by section, Sec 1 then Review. Then followed by Sec 2 and do the Test to Review?

All words in your queue are random and based on your performance. When you add words into the mix does play a little factor, but you’ll always see things you’re struggling with more than things you know regardless of the section they come from. If you need to short-term cram vocabulary, or want super-focused study of anything in Skritter I would highly recommend switching over to Test mode on deck or deck section level like you discussed.

15 minutes

Cleared the queue of new characters learned today, and also added a few new words to my Assorted Collection deck for October 2020. Fun one for the evening was 奶爸 since I was hanging with the kiddos until bedtime solo :)

@SkritterJake Just checking, does new words done on HSK decks gets to auto reflect into the RTH decks? Or any other decks, to obviate to redo them as learnt?

@Kaynis any word you learn from any deck on Skritter is currently skipped if it appears in another deck. We will be updating the app to show you what words you’ve learned from other decks and give you the option to “re-learn” them in another deck, but most of the time we expect people to just skip them and move on.

Reason we’ll be doing this in an upcoming build is because it is technically possible to delete a deck and remove the learned items from your account if they’re not linked to other decks they appear in. So, a bit of a catch-22 in terms of a study flow updated, but also avoids a lot of frustration if you ever decide to reorganize the things you’re studying from.

30 minutes

App testing, but really just learning a bunch of new characters from the 台灣通用詞彙(第五級)。Deck is nearly finished at this point, and I will review the words that have been added to my queue later tonight for max gains and possiblity to forget things a bit.

10 minutes

Daily due cards finished

20 minutes

Studying items 21-40 of the Naught Chinese deck (WIP) on Skritter.

10 minutes

Due cards cleared for the morning.

15 minutes

Morning study routine complete. Due cards finished, and a few notes/definitions edited for some pesky cards I’ve gotten wrong a few too many times.

20 minutes

Learning some new new words from 21-40 the Naughty Chinese Instagram deck I’m slowly putting together.

20 minutes

Adding and learning some new vocabulary from Du Chinese readings during lunch break.

17 minutes


20 minutes

Sunday morning due cards cleared.

Can I feedback on some discrepancies? 學 in HSK-1 61-70 block, item 8 seems to have the strokes in the wrong order. For 意思 and some other characters during the Reviews, the long-stroke in Xin 心 does not stick, resulting as a wrong entry. Need to write multiple time to input in. 多谢

@Kaynis you can report the in-app on the Info screen so staff can investigate. We have a corrections area for all kinds of stuff (scroll to bottom of info page). 學 should accept two types of stroke order (middle first, and outside-left first).

35 minutes

20 minutes of clearing due cards, and 15 minutes of learning some new stuff late last night before bed.

40 minutes

20 minutes to studying and deck creation, and 20 minutes of learning the new material in Skritter. Gotta make a push this weekend to ensure I hit my goal!

You can do it!

Thanks, Michael!

25 minutes

Cooking up a spicy study deck based on the Naughty Chinese Instagram account. The posts make me laugh, a lot, and I'll see if I can make this thing public in the future.

LOL! Had to go look that one up & follow for, uh, educational purposes 😂

Requesting for this to be public ASAP

Asking permission from the account as we speak for a public deck that provides credit to the author and an NSFW warning! The first 20 vocabs from the account are on Skritter (we actually had a lot of the entries already LOL) with the caveat that I'm not editing our public definitions with this slang if it is a common word. So, you'll have to do some custom editing when I'm done for the full effect. And, the first 20 posts on the account can easily be added to a custom list for the moment. Will share a link on the Skritter Forum once I'm done with the edits once I get the green light :)

Ha! Can't wait!

20 minutes

Skritter review queue, and a few new characters from 台灣通用字彙 (第五級)

12 minutes

Realized I didn't add my review time from yesterday on HC challenge, so adding it now. Whoops!

45 minutes

Lots of reading practice during lunch today. Added a bunch of new words to my Assorted Collection deck from each of the short readings I was doing. Will be learning them (read: reviewing) via Skritter later and getting them into the daily study queue.

10 minutes

Daily due cards are done for the day!

20 minutes

More character learning this evening from 台灣通用字彙 (第五級). Section 1 of the deck is finally a wrap tonight, as I continue to fill in the missing gaps of known characters from these decks.

20 minutes

Bundling last nights learning session of six new words from some random articles with 10 minutes of review this morning to clear out the queue.

20 minutes

10 minutes to clear the queue this morning, and another 10 minutes of dead time study while in the checkout line today to add a few more characters to the review queue from 台灣通用詞彙 (第五級)

15 minutes

Due cards cleared for the day. Last night I also added a few words to my Assorted Collection deck from some DuChinese articles I was reading. I find it so much more rewarding to read 5-10 articles in an evening that are “below” my level and pick up a few interesting words that I simple didn’t know of haven’t seen in a while vs. reading one single article that forces me to lookup a million things along the way.

That makes a lot of sense. Sounds more fun to read the more accessible articles! Based on what I’ve heard from others who are more knowledgeable than me, it’s also the most productive approach.

15 minutes

Learned 7 new characters from 台灣通用字彙 (第五級)

20 minutes

Studied all the items in 《木蘭詩》deck and then cleared my review queue for the day. All said and done today was 181 reviews with 6 characters learned, and 15 words learned. Now the real challenge of memorizing the entire poem beings.

15 minutes

Due cards for the day cleared. Goal is still to add 5-10 new characters today. I’m focusing on memorizing the poem I’ve been studying now, so new vocab item adding is on hold until I find a new article, song, etc. to work on.

25 minutes

Added 53 new words to my 《木蘭辭》 study deck and prepped it for a learning session later today. This is the final section of the deck, and once I have all the vocabulary down rock-solid I'll start memorizing this thing for real (finally). Perhaps this weekend 吧!

7 minutes

Absolutely crushed my reviews (including new characters from yesterday) this morning. Have a lot on my plate this week, so I don't mind being super speedy and doing some low-level language maintenance. Filling lots of dead time with podcasts and DuChinese/TCB reading, but that isn't a part of this challenge, so I don't get to track it here :(

20 minutes

Added six new characters to my review queue from 台灣通用字彙 (第五級) and cleared the queue of incorrect cards I got wrong earlier in the day.

12 minutes

Cleared 200 due cards on Skritter while enjoying a cup of coffee. Ready to start the work day!

Have an amazing day Jake! Great progress.

@NewDawnTaiwan 謝啦!You too!

6 minutes

Cleared all the due cards of things I either got wrong during morning review, or learned during the day when studying from my 《木蘭辭》deck.

20 minutes

Learned 44 words from a section of 《木蘭辭》

Hi 老板,can I check with you why this Skritter App GUI is different on my iPad Air 2 (When I downloaded it from the iOS App Store) from this on my iPad Pro?

@Kaynis there are two apps on iOS Skritter Chinese and Skritter: Write Chinese. Pick your poison :) Skritter: Write Chinese is the newer of the two apps and the one we’re actively developing on.

谢谢你, so it’s the Red pill and Blue pill dilemma! %)

10 minutes

Skritter due cards cleared for the day. More learning later during lunch!

5 minutes

Cleared due cards for the new items I learned today. Ended up making a few more updates to custom definitions to make them even better (for me). Vocabulary done for the day.

5 minutes

Cleared the queue of the new items I learned today, and made a few more updates to examples. 179 total reviews learned for the day and 3 unique characters now considered “learned” on Skritter.

40 minutes

Cleared 140 due cards this morning and then studied 9 new characters from 台灣通用字彙(第五級)character deck. Keeping the incorrect cards and the new characters in the due queue for a few hours and will circle back to them during my lunch break.

7 minutes

Added eight new words I wanted to remember long-term into Skritter deck completed a learning mode activity, and then cleared the queue again.

Total Skritter stats for the day--12:12 minutes of study time, 173 reviews, 2 new characters learned, and 8 new words.

Day one is officially a wrap!

18 minutes

Cleared 136 due cards for the day, and learned six new characters—customizing the definitions to include words the characters are contained in. Decided to leave those new items due in the queue for now so I can circle back to them later this even after about 4-5 hours of downtime to make sure they stick for the day.

Noticed that you're quite a Speedy Gonzales on the Skritter Time Attack! 👏 Arriba, arriba ..................andale, andale!

Time Attack is fun :)

75 minutes

Phase 2 (active studying of vocabulary): I spent some time taking all the new vocabulary I learned in yesterday’s italki lesson and added them to my 中文課 Notion page. Each word now has a custom example sentence, 相關詞 (where relevant), and a few notes for my sanity. Next step (phase 3) will be to consolidate key vocabulary into Skritter and learn them before the evening is over so they go into the long-term review queue.

If I have time, I’ll also learn 5-10 new Chinese characters from my character deck but that shouldn’t take all that long. Feels like a great day or progress, but I usually don’t have this much free time during the week, so I’d rather get this stuff done now, so I can keep these items fresh during the week when time is a little more limited.

15 minutes

Phase one for the day. The queue is cleared. Updated a few definitions for some pesky words that I wasn’t getting to stick, but beyond that I’m now at 0 items due for the day unless I learn some more. Which, is the plan! I’ll be learning some new characters every day, along with some new words from weekly Chinese classes. This weeks class (yesterday) has quite a few for me to sift through and figure out what’s actually worth committing to an SRS queue.

Challenge time progress:100%
Goal progress:101.3%
Hours reported15.2