ChinesePod - Learn Chinese Online & with Mobile Apps

Submitted by Olle Linge on 03 April, 2014 19:32

Beginner Intermediate Advanced Listening Paid Resource-collections

Liked by Olle Linge, Olle Linge2, Mobolle, sinosplice, mikelove, ChineseTutor, ednorog, Gwilym, lazylink, Kayla, Foxears, Abigail, and hyperionsshrike

ChinesePod is one of the most comprehensive resources out there when it comes to listening. I started out with ChinesePod a long time ago and found it quite useful, especially from upper-intermediate and up, when they stop using much English and stick to Chinese most of the time. Works both as your main focus of study and as a supplement to other ways of studying.

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