铥铥科幻电波 - 未来事务管理局 (science fiction podcast)


Submitted by Olle Linge on 18 February, 2024 13:11

Advanced Listening Resource-collections Audio Podcast

Liked by Olle Linge

This podcast focuses on science fiction in all its forms, from classic works of Western science fiction literature to modern Chinese TV series. Episodes typically focus on specific books, films or TV series, but the discussions are long and wide-ranging. 

While you don't have to have seen or read the work of fiction being discussed, it certainly helps, especially if you find the language challenging. I also suggest that you search for the titles they discuss online, because it's extremely hard to navigate translated names, so you might know about a topic without realising it!

Recommended entry points: Find an episode about something you are already familiar with (book, film, TV series).

Official description: 这是一档穿透无聊与压抑的有趣电波,我们将在每周陪伴你,在上学、下班、挤地铁、等车时,带着你的有趣灵魂暂时离开,去到星辰深处,踏进赛博世界,在时间线上前后跳跃;去每一个新番、电影和游戏的世界,捕获全世界与幻想有关的新鲜能量……

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